Thursday, February 3, 2011

Annual Election!

Three Board of Director positions are up for renewal/election. All positions are for 3 year terms. Nomination of candidates can be made to the Nominating Committee. The following are the election procedures to be followed according to the National Credit Union Administration guidelines:
  • Persons interested in becoming candidates are advised to apply to the Nominating Committee. All interested persons must submit a short biographical resume with qualifications (75 words or less) by February 24th, 2011. And mail to:

Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union

Attn: Nominating Committee

P.O. Box 7256

Fort Gordon, GA 30905

  • Persons nominated are agreeable to the placing of their names for nomination and will accept office if elected.
  • After nominations by the Nominating Committee have been placed before the Members, the Board Chair will call for nominations from the floor.
  • All elections are determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot.
  • All Board of Director positions are volunteer positions. Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union's By-Laws state if a Board Member fails to attend regular scheduled meetings of the Board twice within 4 consecutive months, it may result in termination by the Board of Directors.

Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union's Annual Meeting will be Held March 24th, 2011 at 4:00 P.M. at Fort Gordon's Gordon Club in the Victoria Room.

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