Monday, February 28, 2011

FGFCU is Looking Out for You!

If you are thinking about Financing a New or Used Vehicle from

March 1st – March 31st

we will protect your Investment with GAP Coverage at no
Cost to You!

This is our way of Saying Thank You! GAP Coverage is Very Valuable in the Event that Your Vehicle is totaled and the Insurance Proceeds are not adequate to pay the Remaining
Loan Balance.

For More Information Call 706-793-012 to Speak with a
Loan Officer.

*Guaranteed Auto Protection. If Loan is not paid According to the Contact Terms, Coverage May Not Pay all Remaining Balances. Some Restrictions May Apply.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Annual Election!

Three Board of Director positions are up for renewal/election. All positions are for 3 year terms. Nomination of candidates can be made to the Nominating Committee. The following are the election procedures to be followed according to the National Credit Union Administration guidelines:
  • Persons interested in becoming candidates are advised to apply to the Nominating Committee. All interested persons must submit a short biographical resume with qualifications (75 words or less) by February 24th, 2011. And mail to:

Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union

Attn: Nominating Committee

P.O. Box 7256

Fort Gordon, GA 30905

  • Persons nominated are agreeable to the placing of their names for nomination and will accept office if elected.
  • After nominations by the Nominating Committee have been placed before the Members, the Board Chair will call for nominations from the floor.
  • All elections are determined by plurality vote and will be by ballot.
  • All Board of Director positions are volunteer positions. Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union's By-Laws state if a Board Member fails to attend regular scheduled meetings of the Board twice within 4 consecutive months, it may result in termination by the Board of Directors.

Fort Gordon Federal Credit Union's Annual Meeting will be Held March 24th, 2011 at 4:00 P.M. at Fort Gordon's Gordon Club in the Victoria Room.